Windy day sketching and kite flying

I took off today to spend some time with my kids before they go back to school tomorrow. It was a windy, sunny day so we took our sketchbooks and kites up to a field in the neighborhood. Good wind for kites, and some good downtime for sketching and playing at the playground. Their papers and paints kept blowing away. I kept it simple with pencil and a 4×6 Stillman and Birn Gamma sketchbook. 

Sunset over Gulfport, MS

I was in Gulfport, MS recently for work. I didn’t get a chance to paint while there, but got a nice photo of the sky over downtown (painted just now) on my way to dinner at Corks and Cleaver, a very cool farm to table restaurant with delicious food and a great atmosphere. Highly recommend it to anyone who goes to Gulfport. 

The painting was done with in a Pentalic wayercolor notebook with Sennelier Yellow Sophie, Daniel Smith Prussian Blue, Schmincke Permanent Carmine, and Sennelier Titanium White.

Thanks for reading. 

Rural town church

 A couple weeks ago we were driving through rural PA on the way to take the kids snow tubing. I took a picture of this church in one of the towns we passed through. While I am not showing the surrounding buildings, which were in some disrepair, I am trying to use the sky to express that mood, with some hope and potential to be found through sunlight on the side of the church that I haven’t yet painted. We’ll see if it works.